Since my joyus arrival to the one mind, one thought, one being
unit known as the Battalion Staff I've begun to noticed that
there is a totally different way of communicating with each other.
Most of it just as ridiculous as it is annoying and trust me I'm not
really sure what it means half the time either.
Capture that
Tracking, track (or any form of what a hunter might do to locate his/
her prey in the wild and not at all behind a computer)
Bless off
Forward, reply, attach (or anything having to do with Outlook)
Roll Up
But my all time favorites are the 3 letter abbreviations that people
toss like they and everyone in the room knows what they're talking
about. Let's be honest no one knows what it means.
Lastly if it can go in a Excel Spreadsheet, it will. Not sure why but
for some reason the Army has an obessetion with Excel. It must have
something to do with the nice even rows and columns.
Sent from my iPhone
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