While On R&R...

Today marked the official begging of my R&R. Yes, after 10 long hard months of watching movies in Iraq, avoiding the sun at all cost, and hiding in the A/C, I have finally got some much deserved time off from the Army & the land of sand known as Iraq. So what did I do on my first day off? I went to Portland. Downtown Portland, Oregon. A very rich and cultured placed where I saw some of the funniest things I'd seen in a while. (And by a while I mean since I was last in Portland)
  1. Leggings. Apparently leggings didn't die out between me going to Iraq 10 months ago and now. If anything leggings have been multiplying like rabbits with absolutely no signs of stopping. Interesting.
  2. A guy dressed as a Pirate (hat, jacket, the whole suit) in a Origins makeup shop in the mall. Apparently pirates need to exfoliate too. Didn't know that.
  3. A man wearing a navy blue kilt that had convenient cargo pockets on the front. Because in between screaming for freedom at the mall kiosks he's gotta have a place to put his iPhone.
  4. A "man" wearing Victoria Secret sweat pants that had the PINK brand across the butt. I was in a moving train when I spotted this wild life so I can not confirm or deny the creatures sex.
  5. Student wearing all black. Head to toe. With exception to his brown loafers and woven brown belt. Accessorized with a Devaint Art laptop bag. Because even the dark, emo types of Portland, OR know that leather ALWAYS matches.
  6. Overhead a white guy criticizing a natural born African on his account of African history. Stating said Natural born African's history was "too European influenced" since he spent some time in Europe. Odd. If my non-African memory serves me right European's made a significant impact on African history. But what do I know, I've never lived in Africa. Or Europe for that matter.
  7. My bed. Because after 2 beers at lunch time I passed out with my clothes on face down on my bed for about 4 hours before writing this post. I would like to blame the jet lag but I know it's the low tolerance level. And its great.
So if I had to guess, I'd say I'm off to a great start on R&R. Look for more tales of the strange and debauchery on my R&R voyage.


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